a 501(c) non-profit

UKRAINE DEFENSE AID rushes emergency supplies into Ukraine.

As media coverage lessens, the genocide grows worse. From our medical and tactical suppliers in California, to our international transporters, to our couriers in Poland and Ukraine, we ensure every cent donated gets to the front lines. 

As headlines declare, these coming weeks may determine Ukraine’s fate. The solution to men, women and children dying, injuries, forced migration, and even war rape, is to help Ukrainians on the front lines. Ukraine is turning the tide of this war. With your help they can win. As usual in battles, heavy artillery is important, but it’s the men and women in the trenches who secure victory. And as our non-profit UKRAINE DEFENSE AID is seeing firsthand, most international funding is not reaching them. So we’ve assembled an exact list of what our contacts on the front lines need. 


If you give right now, you can save lives, and have a say in the greatest battle between good and evil in our time.